They said that this part should not be released at present, but who cares, people help people.


Pay 10 WOOD/BOX and draw $BON.

If you win $BON, wait until it goes live before you can Mint.

Pay 10 WOOD/BOX and draw BONBadge NFT BOX.

What can this NFT be used for? The real is rational; the rational is real.

BONBadge NFT BurnPool

Share BONBadge NFT with all who bet. If your bet amount is less than the price of a single NFT in this round, it will be refunded to WOOD. If it is greater than the price of a single NFT in this round, then you will get BONBadge NFT.

The conversion rate of a single BONBadge NFT is related to the total WOOD betting volume in this round. Maybe place your bets quietly and don't tell anyone else?

$BON BurnPool

Share $BON with everyone who bets. Unlike BONBadge NFT, no matter how much WOOD you bet, you can always get a certain amount of $BON.

The conversion rate of a single $BON is related to the total WOOD betting volume in this round.

Share BONFire LaunchPad Whitelist with all who bet. Every 1 Whitelist you get means that you will get priority access to enjoy the quota when the BONFire Launch opens, with no scramble, no extra payment or proof of assets. Yeah, it's just like free first class.

The conversion rate of a single Whitelist is related to the total WOOD betting volume in this round.

Last updated